译文: Related reading,The nose, has a "king of the face" the laudatory name, the modern hairdressing practice proves that the nose is the soul of beauty; Not only in the face of the nose form aesthetics value is of vital significance, but also to the whole pattern, has nothing to do with people face or even love life also has very big effect. The nose is located in the face in the third, and forehead is linked together, with the mouth is linked together, root under around eyes, with both sides for central contraction department, cheek photograph adjacent to. The nose is human facial most outstanding organs, whether from which Angle is very significant to watch. A nose to nose not beautiful beauty can let the subject disguise, totally changed for psychological, great satisfaction, meet the subject expected the beauty, is the result of the rhinoplasty "best effect". In fact, the decision a
注射填充面颊部适应症: 面颊部凹陷缺损畸形包含单侧或双侧颜面萎缩,如进行性单侧颜面萎缩、面部软组织发育不良、面颊区的凹陷和面部手术、外伤性疤痕所致的凹陷、鼻唇沟过深等。总之是面颊部软组织缺损如皮下脂肪组织或肌肉缺损所引起的凹陷畸形,或者是面颊部消瘦呈老化的畸形。
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